Meramec Capital

Mineral Area College - In the ITC Classroom

5270 Flat River Road, Park Hills, MO 63601

Upcoming Seminars

7 Aug

Wednesday Morning

11:00 am - 12:30 pm

7 Aug

Wednesday Morning

11:00 am - 12:30 pm


If you’re among the people who are on the fence about a will, the best way to make smart decisions for your situation is to be armed with the facts.

If you’ve got a family, a home and any kind of financial account, having a will in place may be beneficial to you and your heirs. When done properly, a will can help individuals resolve everything from designating a guardian for children, to passing on a family-owned small business, and mitigating any intra-family conflicts.

We know family changes like marriage, divorce, births and deaths are all but guaranteed. These life events can render a will obsolete and unaligned to your wishes, can prove problematic if not updated.

Please Join us for this complimentary informational seminar at Mineral Area College. We will discuss how to create a solid life after work plan. Seating is limited, so sign up today!

Did you know?

  • 64% of Americans say having a will is important, fewer than 32% have one.
  • Only 43% of those age 55 or older have a will or living trust.
  • 43% of U.S. adults blame procrastination as the most common barrier to estate planning.

These important topics will be addressed:

  • Do I need a Will? Trust? Powers of Attorney? Health Care Directive?
  • How can I avoid the cost and delays of PROBATE?
  • How can I reduce Estate Taxes and leave more money to my loved ones?
  • How can I protect my assets from the devastation of Nursing Home cost?
  • Who will care for your underage children?
  • How will you keep your heirs from frivolously spending his/her inheritance?
  • Who gets your home, who inherits all of your bank accounts, who will get your assets?
  • Can you avoid family arguments over your belongings and keepsakes?
  • How can I create Tax-Free Income at retirement?
  • Who decides your healthcare or end-of-life decisions?

We will be discussing:

  • Do’s and don’ts for transferring your assets (including your home or farm to your children)
  • The benefits of avoiding probate for your family
  • Protection from unexpected nursing home costs without nursing home insurance
  • How to reduce or eliminate many forms of taxation
  • The importance of having the right legal documents at the right time

If there’s a common unaddressed problem in the financial plans of many adults of all income levels, it’s what to do about their assets when they’re gone. 50% of all Americans will die without a will and 76% of Americans do not have an up-to-date will.

Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Spouses are encouraged to attend!

Seating is limited. Register now!

Registration Form

Registration Form 2nd box