Meramec Capital


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To be considered an accredited investor, as a natural person, one must meet one of two criteria:

  • Earned income that exceeded $200,000 (or joint earnings with a spouse of $300,000 and above) in each of the preceding two years and expects the same for the current year.
  • A personal net worth of over $1 million (either alone or with a spouse, excluding the value of one's primary residence).


Business entities, such as banks, partnerships, corporations, nonprofits, and trusts may become accredited investors, allowing for the following criteria:

  • Corporate assets exceeding $5 million.
  • A corporate entity comprised of equity owners who are accredited investors can become an accredited investor itself.

Additionally, if a person can demonstrate necessary education or job experience that displays their professional knowledge of unregistered securities to evaluate the merits and risks of prospective investments, they too can qualify to become an accredited investor.

Put simply, no. Meramec Capital offers investment opportunities that are open to accredited and sophisticated investors. Register with us today to view our current offerings.

A sophisticated investor is an individual or entity who doesn't meet the necessary requirements of an accredited investor but does have investor experience. This can range from having sufficient knowledge and/or experience in financial and business matters as they relate to potential risks or benefits of potential investments as defined under financial regulation laws. Sophisticated Investors:

  • Do not rely on rumors.
  • Are disciplined when it comes to financial matters and the sources used to make their decisions.
  • Continuously update their education to keep themselves informed.

Distributions are made quarterly.

Investor funds are used for the complete acquisition of investment properties, which encompasses the down payment, acquisition fees, legal and transaction costs, capital improvements, and reserves.

Absolutely! As part of our process, these are passed on to investors to be utilized for tax write-off purposes. We conduct regular cost segregation studies to examine each element of a property to accelerate depreciation deductions for building components to increase your near-term cash flow by deferring taxes.

Meramec Capital builds diverse investment portfolios by purchasing single-family, multifamily, opportunity zones, and undervalued real estate.

Forced appreciation is the active method of increasing your property's value rather than waiting for the market to change, which would naturally result in the value of your property changing – either increasing or decreasing. The investor, rather, forces the appreciation by increasing how much a property generates through various changes, such as adding a coin-operated laundry to an apartment complex, renovating a community park, or altering a home's curb appeal through landscaping.


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The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented are applicable to the individuals listed. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. The testimonials are voluntarily provided and are not paid, nor were they provided with free produces, services, or any benefits in exchange for said statements. The testimonials are representative of client experience, but the exact results and experience will be unique and individual to each client.

All offers and sales of any securities will be made only to Accredited Investors, which for natural persons, are investors who meet certain minimum annual income or net worth thresholds or hold certain SEC approved certifications. Any securities that are offered, are offered in reliance on certain exemptions from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 (primarily Rule 506C of Regulation D and/or Section 4(a)(2) of the Act) and are not required to comply with specific disclosure requirements that apply to registrations under the Act.

The SEC has not passed upon the merits of, or given its approval to, any securities offered by Meramec Capital, the terms of the offering, or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. Any securities that are offered by Meramec Capital are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale and investors should not assume they will be able to resell any securities offered by Meramec Capital.

Investing in securities involves risk, and investors should be able to bear the loss of their investment. Any securities offered by Meramec Capital are not subject to the protections of the Investment Company Act.

Any performance data shared by Meramec Capital represents past performance and past performance does not guarantee future results. Neither Meramec Capital nor any of its funds are required by law to follow any standard methodology when calculating and representing performance data and the performance of any such funds may not be directly comparable to the performance of other private or registered funds.